
Showing posts from January, 2016

Flashback 2015

Because today is the last day of January, the first month in 2016, I wanna flashback some big events last year. Here we go! 12.04.2015 Go Green with Mikroskil What a good day to go to Kampoeng Nipah and plant some mangrove trees. I was having a lot fun there with my friends. Although the weather was so so hot, we enjoyed our trip. This trip was really good to decrease our stress and depresion that time , as that time we were struggling to face our skripsi's deadline. As information, I was a college student in Medan, STMIK STIE Mikroskil. And I just got my degree last October. More details, scroll below! wefie yihaaa first time experiencing mud flat ^^ 07.06.2015 Vesakha Celebration with KMB Family The very first event of KMB Mikroskil in my generation, 2556 B.E. Vesakha Celebration at Hall Mikroskil. We did prepare a lot, we had fun in sharing our thoughts for this event. I met new friends there because at that time we (KMB Mikroskil ) recrute new members. An...

Aku Menangis Enam Kali untuk Adikku

Hello guys, Hari ini saya ingin share satu cerita yang pasti uda gak asing sama teman teman sekalian. Saya suka sekali dengan cerita ini, dan berapa kali pun saya membaca cerita ini, saya selalu tersentuh, dan saya tak pernah bosan untuk membaca cerita ini dari awal sampai akhir. Okay, tanpa membuang waktu, mari nikmati cerita berikut ya :) ~~~~~ Aku dilahirkan di sebuah desa pegunungan yang terpencil. Hari demi hari, orangtuaku membajak tanah kering kuning, dengan punggung mereka menghadap ke langit. Aku punya seorang adik laki-laki. Suatu ketika, untuk membeli sapu tangan yang dibawa gadis-gadis di desaku, aku mencuri 50 sen dari laci papaku. Papa segera mengetahuinya. Papa menyuruh aku dan adikku berlutut, dengan tongkat bambu di tangannya. “Siapa yang mencuri uang itu?!” tanya Papa. Aku terpaku, terlalu takut untuk bicara. Papa tidak mendengar kami mengaku, lantas Papa berkata, “Baiklah, kalau begitu, kalian memang pantas dihajar!” Papa mengangkat tongkatnya tinggi-tinggi. ...

First post in 2016

Hello guys! This is my first post in 2016. Hope I can write often forward :)  This time, I wanna share my opinion about someone, who has been my brother and my teacher. I am so glad to know him and I can learn a lot from him. I used to call him "se William" I've already known him for a long time as he is one of the teacher in my college time. Although he never teaches me, I know him.  We get to know each other when we are in an event, actually it is a Buddhist event, Buddhist Youth Discussion, which is held at July 2015. That event is a cooperation between KMB Mikroskil and PATRIA. At that time, I was joining KMB Mikroskil, while se William is the President of PATRIA Sumut. So we met in that event. Then, after that event, we started to have a group chatting with other members of KMB Mikroskil and PATRIA. As long as I know this teacher, he is a low-profiled, a kind-hearted, an enthusiastic, and so friendly. He always smiles to people who he met. He i...