Flashback 2015

Because today is the last day of January, the first month in 2016, I wanna flashback some big events last year. Here we go! 12.04.2015 Go Green with Mikroskil What a good day to go to Kampoeng Nipah and plant some mangrove trees. I was having a lot fun there with my friends. Although the weather was so so hot, we enjoyed our trip. This trip was really good to decrease our stress and depresion that time , as that time we were struggling to face our skripsi's deadline. As information, I was a college student in Medan, STMIK STIE Mikroskil. And I just got my degree last October. More details, scroll below! wefie yihaaa first time experiencing mud flat ^^ 07.06.2015 Vesakha Celebration with KMB Family The very first event of KMB Mikroskil in my generation, 2556 B.E. Vesakha Celebration at Hall Mikroskil. We did prepare a lot, we had fun in sharing our thoughts for this event. I met new friends there because at that time we (KMB Mikroskil ) recrute new members. An...