
Showing posts from 2019

Donor Darah, SIAPA TAKUT?

Sedikit bercerita mengenai donor darahku yang ke-10 hari ini... Setelah absen donor darah selama setengah tahun, hari ini berkesempatan melakukannya. Nah, cerita donor darah ini penuh ups and downs. Pertama kali donor darah itu di bulan November 2015, di mana saat itu memberanikan diri untuk mulai donor darah. Deg2an pasti di awal (first timer lo hahaha ), tapi really enjoy it and addicted to it J Dilanjutkan dengan donor dua kali di tahun 2016, masih belum berani donor empat kali setahun. Hingga akhirnya bertekad untuk donor darah empat kali di tahun 2017, dan berhasil. Bangga dan bahagia dengan mission yang tercapai di tahun 2017. Masa-masa down dimulai di tahun 2018. Sempat dua kali gagal donor darah karena HB tidak mencukupi. Sempat down waktu itu, karena baru pertama kalinya gagal donor. But, I don't give up! Setelah melalukan beberapa usaha untuk menaikkan HB, saya berhasil donor darah di bulan Mei 2018. Tetap mempertahankan kesehatan tubuh dan asupan gizi, say...

About me and PATRIA...

Hello everyone! I guess I haven't made a proper introduction about myself. So here it is! * * I'm Valentine Wijaya from Medan. I was born in a Buddhist family 24 years ago. I have three older sisters that makes me the smallest daughter in my family. I can say that I'm lucky to know Buddhist since I was born, although it's still traditional Buddhist. I graduated from STMIK - STIE Mikroskil in 2015 with Computer Degree. I love doing charity w ith my friends when I was still in college. We did free foods, visited orphanage, and nursing home. But after graduation, life gets busier and we seldom meet each other again, so the charity is stopped. I also joined a Buddhist organization when I was in college, which is called Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis (KMB). Although I joined it at my last two semesters, I learnt a lot new things and got so many new friends. From this organization, I started to know what Patria is. I joined Patria in January 2016. I was asked ...

What will you do in 2019?

Good morning from the ninth floor of one hotel in Medan! Can you spot the rainbow? The sun is so shy this early year, but the view is so awesome! So, this is the 1st January of 2019, first blank space to fill with memories and moments with people around you. Happy New Year 2019, guys!